Curious about indulging in the power-packed erotic fun of BDSM? Well, we have got some exciting news- you can read this up to find the classic yet badass BDSM moves and the basic do’s and don’ts right here!
Your sex life doesn’t need to be vanilla all the time. In the post-50-Shades world that we are living in, there’s no harm in embracing the kinky ‘you’.
Kink-friendly sex does require investing in some sex toys and gear. You can also make use of household stuff such as ropes. However, it may appear a little overwhelming to those who are just starting out in this BDSM scene.
A lot of newbies dive headfirst into this huge world of kinks & fetishes which is amazing. However, the best rule to go about it is by observing and learning from others.
Do: Wear Comfy Clothes
No matter where you’re heading, you should always be comfortable in your outfit. Whether it’s lacy lingerie or a corset paired with casual jeans; any twist to your eveningwear is good only if you’re comfortable in it.
Do Communicate
Expectations vary from event to event and dungeon to dungeon. It’s all on you and where you’re planning to experience your first-ever BDSM encounter.
First of all, you’ll have to let your expectations out. It is silly to assume that another person will magically read your mind and do what you desire. You have to connect with your partner on a level that ensures openness. Tell them what you like the most during sex and share your wild fantasy that you’d love to engage in.
Once you’ve rolled out your expectations regarding the encounter, you’re good to go. It is always suggested to hear your partner out. For instance, let them express their thoughts about a certain act you’d love to perform on them. You shouldn’t be afraid to try something new and exciting in bed as long as it is consensual.
Do Set Your Boundaries
Establishing sexual boundaries is quite tricky but in BDSM it is essential to set up some basic ground rules. It helps to steer people in a clear direction without stepping over the prescribed limits. There’s simply no need to be a people-pleaser.
Do Have a Safe Word
You should always mutually decide on a safe word or gesture before indulging in any steamy encounter. This word exists just to indicate if the other person isn’t okay with a certain act or is simply not having a good time. The more random the word, the better it is since it won’t be missed.
Don’t Ignore Your Concerns
It is all about consent. If something isn’t making you happy then you’ve all the right to call it quits. You don’t have to force yourself into it. BDSM is only possible if you agree to & enjoy what’s being done to you. It’s perfectly alright to experience something new, but if you feel it’s going in the wrong direction, use your safe word instantly.
Also, if you’re not enjoying the intensity and would like your partner to be rougher then communicate it. There’s no other way to know what’s going on with you until and unless you speak up for yourself.
Don’t Cause Damage
During BDSM, many people end up getting injured with a few bruises & welts here and there. Those are totally fine since they heal with time. However, there could be way worse dangers than this that you may not realize.
For instance, rough anal penetration might cause unbearable pain for your partner and it can also lead to severe issues such as anal fissures or haemorrhoids.
If the bondage is too tight, it may affect blood circulation. Make sure your partner’s hands and other body parts don’t go numb & cold. If this happens with nipples- you could maybe suck on them to revive blood flow.
Don’t Forget Aftercare
It is one of the most important things when it comes to BDSM. After the heated encounter, you should touch base with your partner. Hug, caress, cuddle and ask them about their experience. If one of you has gotten injured during your hot BDSM play, then aftercare is needed.
You have to be very gentle while giving first-aid to your partner. Don’t forget to shower them with love and care and see how quickly their wounds heal!